Establishment of the Human Rights Policy
As a company with overseas operations, the Nomura Trading Group has established the Nomura Trading Group Human Rights Policy based on international norms to promote human rights-conscious management.
- Nomura Trading Group Human Rights Policy
- We, the Nomura Trading Group, aim to realize a sustainable society through our business activities under our corporate philosophy: “The Nomura Trading Group cherishes ‘trust’ as an aspiration and a guiding principle, as an international trading company engaged in global trade”
- Recognizing that our business activities may directly or indirectly affect human rights, we will fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights, and have established the Nomura Trading Group Human Rights Policy to ensure that the human rights of all people involved in our business are respected.
This policy is positioned as the highest-level policy related to human rights within the Nomura Trading Group.
- 1. Scope
- This policy applies to all executives and employees of the Nomura Trading Group, including dispatched and seconded employees from other companies, and resident staff from subcontractors. We also expect all our business partners, including suppliers, to support and comply with this policy.
- 2. Respect for international norms and compliance with laws and regulations
- We respect human rights expressed in the International Bill of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We also support and respect the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and implement initiatives to put them into practice.
Where there is a conflict between internationally recognized human rights and the laws and regulations of the country or region in which we operate, we seek measures to respect internationally recognized human rights to the greatest extent possible.
- 3. Addressing human rights issues
- We will implement initiatives to respect internationally recognized human rights, including the prohibition of forced and child labor, identified as salient human rights issues; the prohibition of all forms of discrimination; the provision of a safe working environment; the prohibition of illegal employment of foreign workers and other illegal employment; and respect for responsible labor practices, such as freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.
- 4. Human rights due diligence
- We establish and continuously implement a human rights due diligence process to identify, prevent, and mitigate the potential adverse impacts of our business activities on human rights. If it becomes clear that our business activities have caused or contributed to any adverse human rights impacts, we endeavor to correct and remedy such impact by taking appropriate measures.
- 5. Grievance mechanism
- We have established a hotline for executives and employees to report human rights concerns. We also strive to develop and maintain a mechanism that allows stakeholders and their representatives to report human rights concerns, and to ensure the effectiveness of such a mechanism. With regards to reports, we maintain confidentiality and protect personal information, and do not treat those who made reports unfairly because of their reporting.
- 6. Education and awareness-raising activities
- We continuously provide appropriate education and training to our executives and employees to ensure that this policy is understood and effectively implemented.
- 7. Engagement with stakeholders
- In the series of our initiatives based on this policy, we engage in dialogue and consultation in good faith with stakeholders who are affected by our business.
- 8. Governance
- This policy has been approved by the Board of Directors of the Nomura Trading Co., Ltd. and the director in charge of human resources and general affairs department is responsible for the management of this policy. We regularly examine the policy to determine if a review is necessary, and revise the policy as needed.
Human rights initiatives are regularly discussed by the Compliance Committee, and the details of the initiatives are reported to and supervised by the Board of Directors.
- 9. Information Disclosure
- We regularly disclose information on our efforts to respect human rights through our website and other means.
December 2023
Hideaki Fujiwara, Representative Director
Nomura Trading Co., Ltd.